Sunday, September 18, 2011

Fail Fleet

haha i to you later

aww byywwww
Shutting up now
lets see if she can make it three fails in a row

Life and Things

Life in a small town is fun.
It's true that there are no huge malls,
Not a whole bunch of places to go,
but the small town is nice.

Some of my friends and I had a Dr. Who Marathon today. =D
It wasn't that long of a marathon. Only a couple hours.
four episodes worth.
but it was still a lot of fun.
And now I want to knit the Dr.'s scarf.

But school is preventing me.
I have a biology test on friday, and on wednesday there is a playing test.
A test for orchestra.
Sure, the conductor needs some way to provide grades to make the college happy, but still.
It's a pain.
And it requires practice.
I haven't practiced for a while. It's horrible.
I want tea.

Also, I am going to switch my major to Athletic Training.
It requires a few extra classes because of the Physical Therapy, but I still want to.
I also want to study abroad for a while.
Or England, if I haven't learned french well enough.

On an unrelated note: I really like my hair when it's straightened.
It looks sexy.

Another unrelated note: I'm going to buy the Orange Box soon. But for that, I'd need a source of income. I hate not teaching lessons. It's not fun at all.

Also, I miss PSG. A lot.
The orchestra up here does not have the high standards that PSG has.
I would LOVE to play Shostakovitch's 5th symphony, or Holst's The Planets, but this orchestra doesn't listen to each other enough to do that. Also, the conductor would screw up the interpretation. Like he did with Beethoven's 5th. There was no pause between the second and third measure of the first movement. That kills the mood. Kills it dead.

I still want tea.

OH! After all that, now I remember the main reason for this post.
If you want to get me a gift for any occasion, here are some ideas:
perfumes and lotions
office supplies
notebooks (which could go under the office supplies category, but I love notebooks so much <3)
hair-related things. Bobbypins and hairties are always wanted
money. (to pay for the various PC games I want xD)

That list was brought about because of a conversation that my roommate and I had. This is a list that would make both of us happy.

So yea.
Guess I should start studying. Or practicing.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

First Week

Achievement earned: Survival
(Survive the first week of college)

 Not one cup of coffee was had this week. Not one.
Yes, it is possible.
I'm not kidding.

Anyway, an update on my survival is needed. Or at least wanted. Wait, you mean to tell me that the only time you check this blog is when you're about to die because of the boredom?! How horrible! You're horrible people!

I've had this song in my head for three days.

I love this song. It's great.