Saturday, March 9, 2013

Annoy the Sister

Me: We need to feed some wasabi to Nancy.

DJ: all of the yes.

Me: that is all.

DJ: right-o.  carry on.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Yes, I Just Skipped A Class

I skipped statistics this morning. Not because I absolutely needed to, but because if I didn't, I would probably go mad, and explode at the next person who asked me about the weather. I need a break. Seriously. I'm missing assignments, getting moody for no reason, and just overall being rather pathetic. At least my french class is online today. That class has a lot of conversation, and I'm not sure I'd be able to do that without snapping at my partner.  Also, I kind of love the fact that a lot of my french online has multiple choice, as many times as you need to get it right.  I rarely put any thought into those assignments, and it is wonderful. I suppose that defeats the entire purpose of the homework, though. But that's what studying is for. I prefer studying on my own to doing an exorbitant amount of homework. *coughchemistrycough*
So now I'm sitting in the student union, very much enjoying my break, while working on french homework that should be thought about.  Just so you know, parkour was created in France, and we are now learning about it in my french class. I approve.  Right. All assigned bits of multiple choice homework are done. I'll do the type-in answers later today.

My goblet cells need to stop being such overachievers.