Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I'm waiting for my psychology class to start. Not that we're doing anything important right now; watching a movie. Supersize Me, to be exact. I'm not totally sure why we're watching a movie about McDonalds making people fat relates to psychology, but whatever.

Macbooks are EVERYWHERE. This campus loves apple products. They've even got an apple store attached to the bookstore. They totally ignore anything Windows or Linux-related. It's great fun. Oh well.

Class was supposed to start 6 minutes ago. The prof isn't even here yet. xD

On another note, I just switched browsers to Google Chrome. Like within the last 5 minutes. I kinda like it.

oh, the teacher showed up. Better disappear and actually pay attention.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Well this is odd.....

I want to clean.
I want to do homework.
I want to study.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

mais j’étudierai ici. Vous étés heureuse, no? dans ma classe de français, nous apprenons les différences de passe compose et impératif. c'est très facile mais amusant parce-que je l'ai appris en lycée.

huh... I wrote that with no issues, but when I go back to read it, I have to think. Strange.