Thursday, October 25, 2012


Today I had two papers due, as well as a french and anatomy/physiology exam.  Paper #1 is turned in, french test is done, but it took one hour, 46 minutes to complete. Directly after the french test, my anatomy and physiology test started. That took about 30 minutes to finish, and it covered the brain, nerves, action potentials, glial cells, neurotransmitters, Botox, inhibitory post-synaptic neurons, excitatory post-synaptic neurons.... yea, lots of fun stuff. I feel pretty confident with my anatomy exam. Slightly less so with the french, but only because of spelling.  I find it difficult to spell in English, so French, where every third letter is silent, is not fun.  Anyway, I am now sitting outside of my last class of the day, Intro to Personality, with my short paper, and a paper I will be turning in for a friend.

In celebration, tonight will be nothing but ramen, and Assassin's Creed.  If you haven't seen, the Assassin's Creed games are on sale on Steam. Like SUPER cheep. I got AC I, II, and Brotherhood for $5 each.

And I feel like a nerd. Yesterday, I traded in some books to Bookmans, and got about $10 in in-store credit.  I spend $6 of those on Grey's Anatomy.  No, not the TV show. The book. The everythingyoucouldeverwanttoknowabouthumananatomy book.

After typing a sentence or so, my brain automatically wants to hit Ctrl+S.  This is not Word, this is an online blog. One which has a save button. Unfortunately, that save button is mislabeled. It should say "save and quit" rather than only "save". That "save and quit" button could be helpful soon, though. My class is supposed to start in 20 minutes, and I'm not sure when I'll be done typing. 

It's been a while since I've spent so much time on here. It's rather nice.  On Tumblr, I started following various medicine-related blogs. There;s one dedicated to nursing, a couple for neuroscience, I have at least one for psychology... Now the only things on my dashboard are related to medicine and Castle. <3

Thursday, October 18, 2012

I Missed You, Too

It's been a long time. How have you been? I've been really busy being dead.  Or at least, that's what it feels like. "studying" is, after all, a combination of "student" and "dying".

Portal quotes aside, it really has been a long time since my last visit. Kinda depressing, actually. A lot has passed. I have a new roommate. She's pretty awesome. And she brought a dog. So we now have a dog. Her name is Loches. She's a golden retriever. Yes, there are pictures.  I'm used to the tedium of classes which control my life. Getting rather tired of them, actually.  My CSF levels are diminishing..

DJ: heh
cant spell hehe to save my freakin life.