Friday, March 23, 2012

Boredom of Epic Proportions

It's insane how bored I've been lately. Like, insanely bored. as in too bored to study. Past the point of so bored I'd prefer to do homework. So bored, I can't concentrate on anything at all. So far my week was composed of sitting at my laptop, staring at the screen. Woooooooo.

Monday, March 19, 2012

NOT On Purpose

haha its awesoms
screw it
i swear none of that was on purpose

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Gerbil In My Shirt

There is a gerbil in my shirt.  Sorry, there WAS a gerbil in my shirt. She is now on my back.

Anyway, Spring break is this week. From last saturday to this coming sunday. I've been spending a decent amount of break time in physical therapy and school xD
I'm going with my mother to her P.T., and I'm going to school again to see my friends who are still stuck in highschool.

Also, I've discovered the amazingness that is Fanfarlo. <3 <3
That band has such great songs.

And with that, I must retire; waking up early tomorrow.