Sunday, June 24, 2012

An Inconvenience

Nick: ok well I need to leave. I have to move my bed which is what my laptop's on right now so I'll be back in a while. it'll probably take forever and be a huge pain in the ass but oh well

Me: have fun?
 Me: don't die
 Me: if you do, I'd have to go to your funeral. MAJOR inconvienience.

 Nick: ok hopefully it won't take too long
Nick: I'll make sure not to die, wouldn't want to inconvienience you

 Me: thanks =)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Do You Feel Famous?

Oi, DJ.

Replace burger with nutella crepe.

also, Top Gear. Sailing to France in a truck.

That is all.

That Just Happened

France. Paris. 10 days.
That just happened.

Yes, that is the Eiffel Tower behind us.
No, it's not photoshopped.

And over here, --------------->
The Louvre.
On one of the many cloudy, rainy days we enjoyed.

Anyway, we had a lot of fun
We visited Jim Morrison's, George Bizet's, and Chopin's  graves.

An amazing composer, Bizet.
And less than 8 hours after returning from France, I'm off on another flight with my friend Azia to her home in Wisconsin. At the moment, I am sitting in the living room typing this out and watching the rabbit hopping around it's cage.

Right, well, more details to come. When I feel like writing again.