Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Don't Blink. Don't Turn Your Back. Don't Look Away.

School is finished. Finally. I need to redo almost the entire semester's worth of classes.
That was not a good semester.
I did not enjoy any of my classes, thus I mentally checked out roughly four weeks into the semester, and right after spring break, a cousin committed suicide, and a week later, my 94 year old grandfather passed away.
Not a good semester.
Next semester will be full of writing and researching, so hopefully that will help my GPA come back up.

At the moment, I am petsitting for my roommate's grandparents. They went to visit their son, so I get to stay at their house and watch the dogs while they're away.  It's really nice, having the place to myself. It's the first time I've had a place to myself, actually. I've always been with my parents or had roommates.  I can play violin whenever I want, blast music, cook whatever and whenever I want, wander around the town, and walk around in my underwear just because I can.

I met some of the neighbors at a memorial day potluck, and we went hiking this morning. 9.5 miles. The trail was great, scenery beautiful. It was a real shame my body decided that that would be the perfect time to let my hormone levels plummet . . .  On top of a screwed up knee? Really? Oh well.

One of the people I went hiking with has a nephew visiting soon, and he (the neighbor) wants me to meet the nephew. He's playing matchmaker! So this will be interesting. I find it funny that after 3 days of knowing me, the neighbor is encouraging a relationship between me and the nephew. Updates will arrive when something happens on that front.

Three or four weeks ago, I was at judo, sparing with another student.  he was moving stiffly, and threw me badly. My knee bent sideways, overstretching the MCL and medial meniscus. There's possibly a microtear in the tendons, but I'm not sure. Might ask the doc to check, though, because the knee still hurts.

Guess what I've been watching lately....

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