Thursday, December 20, 2012

I feel Like Sharing My Life With the World.

I've been watching a lot of youtube videos with Danisnotonfire, Charlieissocoollike, and a new-to-me youtuber, Jacksgap.

I REALLY want to do a video, but I have NO IDEA what to talk about. I feel like my videos would have a lot of awkward silences in them, with absolutely nothing of interest to anyone.  So any suggestions would be nice.  I could do a couple of my rants on guitarists, and gun control.  Those two subjects are not related. Just saying. On a side note, I'm cold. I'm colder in my parent's house in Phx. than I am in my apartment in Flagstaff.  Because that makes sense. I could take suggestions of what to play on my violin. That would be pretty fun. Just play a bunch of stuff. Like some stuff from Firefly, LotR, Harry Potter... Yes please.

Ocean's 11 is on TV right now. I approve most highly. This movie is amazing. "Unless we intend to do this job in Reno, We're in Barney!" ". . . .' "Barney Rubble.  TROUBLE!"

So let's go get that pinch.

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