[10:46:17 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: we need a teat Ryan.
[10:46:20 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: test*
[10:46:29 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: something only the real Ellen would know....
[10:46:32 PM] Ellen: XD
[10:46:33 PM] ЯYÆN: that wasdumb of me...
[10:46:55 PM] ЯYÆN: hmm we stiull should do the test
[10:46:57 PM] ЯYÆN: still*
[10:47:05 PM] Ellen: brb
[10:47:13 PM] Evil One >: D: BRB
[10:47:24 PM | Edited 10:47:38 PM] ЯYÆN: suure you conveniently have to leave right when you're about to be tested
[10:47:31 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: very suspcouis..
[10:47:53 PM] ЯYÆN: very very suspicious...
[10:48:50 PM] Evil One >: D: so, you come up with that test yet?
[10:49:07 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: I think they switched machines...
[10:49:14 PM] ЯYÆN: hmmmm what would only the REAL Ellen know?
[10:49:15 PM] Ellen: really?
[10:49:38 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: How do we know your the real Ellen?
[10:50:01 PM | Edited 10:50:13 PM] Evil One >: D: *you're
[10:50:08 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Evil one msut be Ellen.
[10:50:13 PM] Ellen: are you sure?
[10:50:17 PM] Evil One >: D: really?
[10:50:23 PM] ЯYÆN: lol but remember, Nancy's a grammar nazi too
[10:50:26 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: she corrected my grmammr...
[10:50:28 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: true
[10:50:41 PM] Evil One >: D: are you sure about this now?
[10:50:50 PM] Ellen: lol
[10:51:28 PM] ЯYÆN: is fiona's name from Shrek?
[10:51:31 PM] Ellen: NO
[10:51:36 PM | Edited 10:51:52 PM] Ellen: from Burn Notice
[10:51:45 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Hmm taht could be Ellen.
[10:51:57 PM] ЯYÆN: hmmmmm
[10:52:00 PM | Edited 10:52:09 PM] Evil One >: D: shrek is THE most stupid movie on earth
[10:52:07 PM] Ellen: stipid?
[10:52:13 PM] ЯYÆN: stoopid*
[10:52:18 PM] Ellen: FAIL
[10:52:22 PM] Evil One >: D: XDXDXD
[10:52:37 PM] ЯYÆN: lol i cant tell still
[10:52:47 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: hmm I don't belive Nancy knows who Frosty is, so who is he Ellen?
[10:53:05 PM] Ellen: who indeed?
[10:53:05 PM] Evil One >: D: who indeed?
[10:53:07 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: or rather Swifty.
[10:53:16 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: therei n cahoots...
[10:53:30 PM] Ellen: <<
[10:53:31 PM] Evil One >: D: >>
[10:53:45 PM] ЯYÆN: maybe both ellen and evil are switching computers every other time to throw us off
[10:53:53 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: could be.
[10:54:08 PM] Evil One >: D: wow, sam, I thought you knew me.
[10:54:09 PM] Ellen: this is pathetic
[10:54:15 PM] Ellen: you don't know me at all
[10:54:19 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: argh.....
[10:54:19 PM] Ellen:
[10:54:21 PM] Evil One >: D: lol
[10:54:23 PM] Evil One >: D: FAIL
[10:54:25 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: you ugys are jsut so alike!
[10:54:45 PM | Edited 10:55:03 PM] Evil One >: D: CUE SYNCRONIZED DOOM SONG
[10:54:51 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: We need a question only Ellen can answer not behaviour that Nancy can emulate...
[10:55:25 PM] Ellen: good luck
[10:55:26 PM] Evil One >: D: with that
[10:55:34 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: At Trudii's party what movie did we watch?
[10:55:51 PM] ЯYÆN: good question
[10:55:52 PM] Evil One >: D: Weird Al's
[10:55:53 PM] Ellen: UHF
[10:56:05 PM] Ellen: try again
[10:56:05 PM] ЯYÆN: they both know...
[10:56:07 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: dang it.
[10:56:25 PM] ЯYÆN: not only that, but they gave two different names for the same movie
[10:56:44 PM] Evil One >: D: its the same movie
[10:56:45 PM] Evil One >: D: >>
[10:56:49 PM] Ellen: <<
[10:56:52 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: so the real question is...who would use the full name...
[10:57:00 PM] Evil One >: D: ................
[10:57:03 PM] ЯYÆN: which one refers to movies by their actual title while the other one refer's to just a general nickname?
[10:57:10 PM] Ellen: yes
[10:57:11 PM] Evil One >: D: yes
[10:57:17 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: I see our brains are now in Sync Ryan.
[10:57:53 PM] ЯYÆN: hmmm so do you know which one does which?
[10:57:56 PM] Evil One >: D: or just Pirates
[10:58:02 PM] Ellen: >>
[10:58:05 PM] Ellen: um
[10:58:05 PM] Evil One >: D: <<
[10:58:07 PM] Ellen: ok
[10:58:15 PM] Ellen: arrg
[10:58:18 PM | Edited 10:58:52 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: lich*-rats are turned back by?
[10:58:28 PM] Evil One >: D: cheese
[10:58:54 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: not were rats.
[10:58:55 PM] Ellen:
[10:59:09 PM] Evil One >: D: ahh
[10:59:28 PM] Ellen: huh.. not really sure.
[10:59:50 PM] ЯYÆN: '.'
[10:59:52 PM] Ellen: its fun cleaning my desk......
[10:59:55 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: dang it need a new refrence..
[11:00:15 PM] Evil One >: D: quite fun
[11:00:54 PM] Ellen: meoow
[11:00:57 PM] Evil One >: D: ^
[11:01:15 PM] ЯYÆN: which one would meow? nancy or ellen?
[11:01:28 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: they both would....but more likely Ellen.
[11:01:45 PM] Ellen: think of that one question that will ditermine us from the other yet??
[11:01:52 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: power fiddle.
[11:02:01 PM] Evil One >: D: what about it?
[11:02:01 PM] ЯYÆN: i was thinking the meow was nancy because ellen does the ^ more often.
[11:02:20 PM] Evil One >: D: ^
[11:02:29 PM] Ellen: ^
[11:02:35 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: ^
[11:02:37 PM] ЯYÆN: ^
[11:02:49 PM] Ellen: hehe
[11:02:50 PM] Evil One >: D: hehe
[11:02:56 PM] ЯYÆN: i g3g
[11:03:03 PM] Evil One >: D: a 3? really?
[11:03:06 PM] ЯYÆN: later eveeryone (wave)
[11:03:09 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: later.
[11:03:11 PM] Ellen: i'll shoot you
[11:03:18 PM] Evil One >: D: never do that again
[11:03:21 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: taht has to be nancy...
[11:03:25 PM] ЯYÆN: do what? o_O
[11:03:27 PM] Evil One >: D: you sure about that?
[11:03:28 PM] Ellen: who?
[11:03:36 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: argh....
[11:03:38 PM] Evil One >: D: use a 3 instead of an E
[11:03:48 PM] Ellen: are you sure you're sure?
[11:03:54 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: ok I'm guesing Evil one is nancy.
[11:03:59 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: err Ellen.
[11:04:00 PM] ЯYÆN: maybe they're both ellen... they both seem like ellen... or maybe both nancy... this is confusing...
[11:04:11 PM] Ellen: ^^
[11:04:15 PM] Evil One >: D: ^_^
[11:04:46 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: yup evil one is Ellen.
[11:04:51 PM] Ellen: really?
[11:04:54 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: really.
[11:04:55 PM] Evil One >: D: Gerbils are soooo adorable
[11:04:56 PM] Ellen: if you say so..
[11:04:58 PM] Ellen: yyeessss
[11:05:00 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: dangnabbit.
[11:05:05 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: WE CAN'T PROVE IT
[11:05:07 PM] Evil One >: D: XXXDDD
[11:05:59 PM] ЯYÆN: I think they're both switching off
[11:06:02 PM] Ellen: what's a question only ellen would know?
[11:06:04 PM] Evil One >: D: any inside jokes?
[11:06:10 PM] ЯYÆN: well i g2g now for real, so later everyone (wave)
[11:06:15 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: later Ryan.
[11:06:21 PM] Evil One >: D: bye!!
[11:06:22 PM] Ellen: bye
[11:07:18 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: ah ha I got it.
[11:07:26 PM] Ellen: ?
[11:07:32 PM | Edited 11:07:43 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Why is your characters nickname flipflop?
[11:08:07 PM] Ellen: caps?
[11:08:09 PM] Ellen: really?
[11:08:11 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: I was right.
[11:08:15 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Evil one is Ellen.
[11:08:18 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: mwhahahaha
[11:08:22 PM | Edited 11:08:25 PM] Ellen: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[11:08:27 PM] Evil One >: D: XXXDDD
[11:08:36 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: dangnabbit you two.
[11:08:40 PM] Evil One >: D: ROFL
[11:08:41 PM] Ellen: you REALLY don't know me
[11:08:45 PM] Ellen:
[11:08:50 PM] Evil One >: D: sad......
[11:08:55 PM | Edited 11:08:59 PM] Evil One >: D: tisk tisk
[11:08:59 PM] Ellen: tislk?
[11:09:02 PM | Edited 11:09:04 PM] Evil One >: D: yup!
[11:09:06 PM] Evil One >: D: ^^
[11:09:32 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Well lokks like I'll buy you a mage pin then if you win.
[11:10:04 PM] Evil One >: D: hehe
[11:10:06 PM] Ellen: hehe
[11:10:38 PM] Evil One >: D: it looks like you'll be buying (me? her?) a mage pin
[11:10:49 PM] Ellen: I feel so special
[11:10:55 PM | Edited 11:11:01 PM] Evil One >: D: I do
[11:11:56 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Banana has a soul.
[11:12:12 PM] Evil One >: D: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT BURNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[11:12:13 PM] Ellen: AAAAAARRRRRGGGG
[11:12:32 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: with fire?
[11:12:48 PM] Evil One >: D: CONFIOCO
[11:12:55 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: ah ha!
[11:12:59 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: I was right.
[11:13:09 PM] Ellen: you sure?
[11:13:12 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: yes.
[11:13:20 PM] Evil One >: D: ARE YOU REALLY REALLY SURE?
[11:13:25 PM] Ellen: caps fail
[11:13:29 PM] Evil One >: D: oops caps
[11:13:53 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: yes, I'm sure.
[11:14:39 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: well.....?
[11:14:41 PM] Ellen: alright, frosty.. whatever you say
[11:14:56 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: my nicnames not frosty, it's swifty! newb.
[11:15:12 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: gotcha ya nancy.
[11:15:12 PM] Ellen: sense when?
[11:15:29 PM] Evil One >: D: who?
[11:15:35 PM] Ellen: exactly
[11:15:38 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: you ugys are switchg machines..
[11:15:41 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: tahts not fair
[11:15:43 PM] Ellen: nope
[11:15:48 PM] Evil One >: D: ha, ha!!
[11:16:03 PM] Evil One >: D: no, no it's not
[11:16:14 PM] Ellen: xD ferb ftw
[11:16:18 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Well only Ellen would know what I sent Swifty for his birthday.
[11:16:29 PM] Evil One >: D: really???
[11:16:32 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: really.
[11:16:36 PM] Ellen: XD
[11:17:08 PM] Ellen: that was pretty funny
[11:17:56 PM] Ellen: tails isn't a very original name...
[11:18:02 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: ...
[11:18:12 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: his name is Miles. tecniclly.
[11:18:18 PM] Ellen: that's better
[11:18:26 PM] Ellen: much more respectable
[11:18:32 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: ...
[11:19:50 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Whats wrong with Tails? eh?
[11:19:59 PM] Ellen: nothing
[11:20:11 PM] Evil One >: D: it's just unoriginal
[11:20:28 PM] Ellen: well the name at least...
[11:21:11 PM] Evil One >: D: mario is so much better
[11:21:20 PM] Ellen: XXXDDD
[11:21:22 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: them be fighting words.
[11:21:42 PM] Ellen: that be true
[11:22:46 PM] Ellen: I need to give the mariogame back to mombassa...
[11:23:14 PM | Edited 11:23:27 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: I astill think Evil one is Ellen...I just can't prove it...
[11:23:40 PM] Evil One >: D: you are so wrong!!
[11:23:47 PM] Ellen: you owe me a magepin
[11:23:59 PM] Ellen: nice try
[11:24:25 PM] Evil One >: D: you could never get it right no matter how many tries you take
[11:24:56 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: well I could....It would jsut require skills not to be used in a game...
[11:25:20 PM] Ellen: meehh
[11:25:55 PM] Ellen: mom and nancy are having a conversation about a facebook game...
[11:26:02 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Whats the name of my old WoW guy?
[11:26:15 PM] Ellen: uuhhhh I don't remember
[11:26:41 PM] Ellen: I remember andrew's..... 3 of david's....
[11:26:50 PM] Ellen: eerr
[11:27:00 PM] Ellen: 4 of david's
[11:27:33 PM] Ellen: walefin
[11:27:39 PM] Ellen: walefin?
[11:27:43 PM] Ellen: whalefin
[11:27:49 PM] Ellen: ^
[11:28:12 PM] Ellen: you still owe me a magepin
[11:28:58 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Quel est le nom du chat/du raton laveur ce que jamais du comique je t'ai envoyé ?
[11:29:05 PM] Ellen: cheater
[11:29:10 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ:
[11:30:11 PM] Ellen: aack stupid onlinetranslaters.. the words they chose are strange
[11:30:15 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: oh qui est Nancy droit can' ; t a lu des français
[11:30:41 PM] Ellen: nancy parle frances un peu
[11:30:52 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Je ne te dois plus une goupille de mage
[11:31:11 PM] Ellen: aww
[11:31:13 PM] Ellen: ;-;
[11:31:26 PM] Ellen: c'est dommage
[11:32:05 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: dangit...I'm still not sure...
[11:32:09 PM] Ellen: j'ai tres trieste ;-;
[11:32:50 PM] Ellen: stupid french spelling
[11:32:54 PM] Evil One >: D: i cant speak french!?!?!? buuuurrn
[11:33:03 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: 01110010 01100001 01110111 0111001
[11:33:10 PM] Ellen: je ne parle pas
[11:33:11 PM] Evil One >: D: mais je parle francais!
[11:33:59 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: ok I give up you two.
[11:34:10 PM] Evil One >: D: YYYYEEESSS
[11:34:11 PM] Ellen: WOOHOO
[11:34:14 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: you're to ALIKE.
[11:34:15 PM] Evil One >: D: MUAHAHHAHAHA
[11:34:17 PM] Ellen: too*
[11:34:23 PM] Evil One >: D: TOO ALIKE?
[11:34:29 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: yep.
[11:34:30 PM] Evil One >: D: OR THREE????????
[11:34:44 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: you guys never switched PC's did you...
[11:34:52 PM] Ellen: only once or twice
[11:34:55 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: HEY!
[11:35:01 PM] Evil One >: D: XD
[11:35:03 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: there WAS constand movement.
[11:35:06 PM | Edited 11:35:08 PM] Ellen: and when ryan was still online
[11:35:07 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: cheaters...
[11:35:26 PM] Ellen: there was NOT constant movement
[11:35:51 PM] Ellen: but when it was only you, we did not switch
[11:36:17 PM | Edited 11:36:22 PM] Ellen: and you still owe me a pin ; )
[11:36:41 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: then in the period it was only me you were at your respetive PC's.
[11:36:48 PM] Ellen: yup
[11:36:51 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: ah ha
[11:36:53 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: see.
[11:36:58 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: I was right more then once.
[11:37:02 PM] Evil One >: D: but who was talking???
[11:37:11 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: ...
[11:37:14 PM] Evil One >: D: >
[11:37:15 PM] Ellen: at least untill mom showed up...
[11:37:22 PM] Evil One >: D: XD
[11:37:27 PM] Evil One >: D: lol
[11:37:29 PM | Edited 11:37:47 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: wait what?
[11:37:33 PM | Edited 11:37:41 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: that is not fair at all.
[11:37:41 PM] Evil One >: D: gotcha!
[11:37:54 PM] Ellen: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[11:38:01 PM] Ellen: Ellen stayed at this PC though
[11:38:02 PM] Evil One >: D: hahahhaahhahahHAHAHAHAHHAHAA
[11:38:11 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: ...
[11:38:30 PM | Edited 11:38:37 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: you people are all mental.
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