[11:32:33 PM] gone.rebel: "have fun looking at your rocks, ill be doing physics.... bullet physics!"
[11:32:49 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: You know waht would be really cool?
[11:32:51 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: magic.
[11:32:52 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: why?
[11:32:57 PM] gone.rebel: BEST CARD GAME EVAR
[11:33:03 PM] gone.rebel: thats y
[11:33:05 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: I have a really good understanding of physics.
[11:33:21 PM] gone.rebel: what about quantum physics?
[11:33:27 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Mage = Badass Physict
[11:33:33 PM] Ellen: hehe
[11:33:45 PM] gone.rebel: explain schrodinger's box in a quantum universe
[11:33:48 PM] gone.rebel: BIZNATCH
[11:33:49 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: I get Quantum
[11:33:56 PM | Edited 11:34:02 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: I'd have to use a mic
[11:34:02 PM] gone.rebel: do it
[11:34:02 PM] gone.rebel: do it
[11:34:22 PM] gone.rebel: do it
[11:35:22 PM] gone.rebel: is it really takin u this long? its like, a 10 word sentance
[11:35:29 PM] gone.rebel: zzzzz.........zzzzzzzzzzz........zzzzzzzz.....
[11:35:58 PM] gone.rebel: okay then
[11:36:00 PM] gone.rebel: have fun typing
[11:36:09 PM] Ellen: it may be 10 words, but Sam has to explain every little detail.
[11:36:17 PM | Edited 11:36:44 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: Schronders cat is bassicly a cat inside a box. the cat is either dead or alive and upon opening the box will change the state of the cat. I.E if the cat is dead, it will be alive or if dead alive. Schrnoder stated that the cat was in "flux" and therfore dead and alive at the same time. due to quantem possbilties.
[11:36:33 PM] gone.rebel: you still didnt answer my question
[11:36:51 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: how so?
[11:36:57 PM] gone.rebel: if the instance or copy of an instance of schrodinger's box existed in a quantum universe, there would be absolutely nothing
[11:36:58 PM] gone.rebel: nada
[11:36:58 PM] gone.rebel: zip
[11:36:59 PM] gone.rebel: none
[11:37:01 PM] gone.rebel: a lack of anything
[11:37:03 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: no.
[11:37:25 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: a quantum universe is an ever expanding list of possible univereses
[11:38:12 PM] gone.rebel: because there is an impossibility of life in that situation, because everything is a 180 opposite, it doesnt exist, ad therefore the box and the vial cant exist, because intellignet constructions cannot exist without life, which there is a lack of, because there is no cat, because nothing can be dead and alive at the same time, reversed, nothing can be nothing
[11:38:46 PM] gone.rebel: now, add some philotes to that...
[11:39:03 PM] gone.rebel: and you have yourself a quantum apocolypse condensed into a single organism's thought prism
[11:39:22 PM] gone.rebel: aka brain, but single cell organism's brains are too small to classify as brains techinically
[11:39:23 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: yes, but that was somne disproveng it, not the theory
[11:39:38 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: you aksed for the theory not the diproving of it.
[11:39:57 PM] gone.rebel: i asked you to explain it
[11:40:01 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: the theory.
[11:40:06 PM] gone.rebel: i.e. what would happen if it existed in a quantum universe
[11:40:07 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: in his terms.
[11:40:09 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: which I did
[11:40:15 PM] gone.rebel: quantum universe
[11:40:16 PM] gone.rebel: ^
[11:40:17 PM] gone.rebel: ^
[11:40:17 PM] gone.rebel: ^
[11:40:21 PM] Prf.Jennings Questor Of AZ: well then you werent being clear.
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