Saturday, August 4, 2012

And Now I know.

I figured out why it's stupid to get romantically involved with someone you know you will never see again. You and the other party will not speak for months at a time, and when you do speak, it will be an accusation similar to "So you won't talk to me now?" I'm sorry for not talking to you, but I thought it was you not talking to me. Please excuse my misunderstanding.

On a separate note, I've been watching a lot of Castle recently, and reading Castle's books. (Yay for ghost writers!!) The T.V. show is amazing, and the lead character Kate Bekket has become one of my role-models. Yes, I know she's a fictional character. However, that fictional character is a strong, independent, sarcastic, quick-witted, takes-no-b.s. kinda girl, and I look up to that.

Nancy is playing La Folia. Actually, playing is too generous a word. She's butchering some rythems, and puts absolutely no emotion into her playing, and cuts the notes WWAAYY too short. She should be playing fiddle music, not classical. I don't think Nancy understands the whole "emotion in music" thing. She scoffs at the idea of music being moving, or putting your soul into what you're playing. Not good for classical, and ESPECIALLY not good for La Folia. It hurts to listen.\

Where are my headphones?
Oh yea, they're missing.  They were missing for a good 2 weeks, then I found them, and not one hour later, were missing again. >.<
UPDATE: Just did a quick search. Found my headphones exactly where I left them. Just goes to show you can find anything when you have a strong enough motive.

My sister is now playing Toontown. We used to play about 5-ish years ago, so playing again is bringing back a whole lot of nostalgia. Aahhhhh, the music. She keeps using the WASD keys to move, and pressing the SHIFT button to sprint. Too much Skyrim.

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