I'm procrastinating on chemistry homework, so please forgive my rambling. I doubt it's going to be much different than the weirdness that my posts usually consists of. One of my friends stayed with me for a while a couple months ago. She left a book and some clothing here. She probably wants her stuff back. Too bad she's in a different state. Oh well. I'll mail it to her. Eventually.
So I have a job interview coming up. I'll be working for a healthcare non-profit organization. Hopefully that will earn me some kudos with the physical therapy plans. It will be rather difficult to do without a car though. Hopefully I can work two jobs over the summer and earn enough for a car by the end of it.
Real life sucks.
Real life is awesome.
I've started reading the Girl With a Dragon Tattoo books. They're really well written, and the story, once you get to it, is great. The first half, or three-quarters of the book consists of the daily life of the characters. Which is interesting, but there's not much of an actual mystery to solve, or real plot till the later parts.
I can't wait till the weather gets nice again, because I want to buy plants. Can't do that when it's all cold, rainy and snowy. I'm going to get some herbs and a couple medicinal plants. Can't wait. =3
Ok, enough rambling.