Sunday, January 27, 2013

Still Raining

Rain, and more rain. It's supposed to turn into snow! Where's the snow?

I'm procrastinating on chemistry homework, so please forgive my rambling.  I doubt it's going to be much different than the weirdness that my posts usually consists of.  One of my friends stayed with me for a while a couple months ago. She left a book and some clothing here. She probably wants her stuff back. Too bad she's in a different state. Oh well. I'll mail it to her. Eventually.

So I have a job interview coming up. I'll be working for a healthcare non-profit organization. Hopefully that will earn me some kudos with the physical therapy plans. It will be rather difficult to do without a car though. Hopefully I can work two jobs over the summer and earn enough for a car by the end of it.

Real life sucks.

Real life is awesome.

I've started reading the Girl With a Dragon Tattoo books.  They're really well written, and the story, once you get to it, is great.  The first half, or three-quarters of the book consists of the daily life of the characters. Which is interesting, but there's not much of an actual mystery to solve, or real plot till the later parts.

I can't wait till the weather gets nice again, because I want to buy plants. Can't do that when it's all cold, rainy and snowy. I'm going to get some herbs and a couple medicinal plants. Can't wait. =3

Ok, enough rambling.

Powder Into Liquid

I realized the other day taht I can make homemade hot chocolate
and chocolate milk
so yum


Hot milk with cocoa powder and maple syrup
the real maple syrup, not the cheap stuff


oh yeah
and the same think for chocolate milk only w/ cold milk
and I use the non electronic hand blender for that, otherwise the powder won't liquid
And I'm just " psh please. * get out blender* "

the powder won't liquid?

powder " AAAAAAH"
So yeah, that's how I make my chocolate milk

Friday, January 25, 2013

Guitars are Cheep

DJ:  i got to play my buddy's gibson es-335 yesterday.
what the es-335 is to blues guitars is what the stradivaruis is to violins (sorry if i misspelled that).

Me: nice

DJ: now i totally want an es.
but they start around $2000...

Me: What a surprise

DJ: bugger.

Me: wow
that's cheep
only 2000?
ok, they start there, but seriously

DJ: sorry, they start around $4000.

Me: I need to stop comparing guitar prices to violin prices...

DJ: ahahahaha

Me: that's a nice instrument.

DJ: heres a '59 dot reissue es-335. bit pricier.

Me: Just to compare violin prices, serious performance students will usually have about a $15,000 violin, but sometimes if they're thinking of the future may spend $60,000-100,000. After they get a job, if it's a major orchestra, they'll usually be looking at $30,000 minimum to about $100,000 or twice that, if they can afford it

Me: And that's just the violin alone
not including the bow which can be another easy $10,000

DJ: ...

Me: plus the $500-$1000case
the $40 rosin, the $40 shoulder rest,
averages, of course.
oh, and the strings

DJ: ...

Me: my decent set of strings is about $80. They don't get too bad. prolly $120 at the top

DJ: ill never complain about the cost of a guitar again.

Me:  My work here is done.

Rainy Day

It's drizzling outside, and it is beautiful.  I love rainy days.  They make me want to read all day, or write something absolutely horrible.  My story-telling skills aren't even close to decent. Which is sad, because I really want to write a book. I don't care if it gets at all popular. (although that would be nice) I just want a write and publish a book.

I should be doing some form of homework right now. But right now, my motivation is to write, sew, do something that is not related to schoolwork. My motivation to do homework will pop up in the middle of judo, and disappear the second I return to the apartment.  Not fun.

My kindle for PC app is being stupid.  Amazon doesn't know it exists, and I've been wandering around various places in an attempt to make Amazon see that there's an app, but so far, nothing is working.

On another note, I may have to get a new battery for my laptop soonish. The lifespan of this one is shrinking every day. It can go for about an hour and a half now without a charge, two hours if it feels particularly healthy. Eh, I've got time. I'll start panicking about it when it can only last 30 minutes without being plugged in.

Ok, bad time for tumblr. Just saw a gifset with all the doctors regenerating into the next doctor. And ight after that, a soundbite from the last episode of Sherlock. FEELS. ALL OF THEM.

oh, and I have a twitter. So if you feel like it, here's my Twitter profile enjoy.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

And the Week is Over

My first week of school is over, and it feels like at least two weeks have passed.  My Tuesdays and Thursdays are absolutely horrible. I am absolutely exhausted. 5 exceedingly challenging classes all in a row. Tomorrow there is absolutely nothing to do except for housekeeping and an excessive amount of homework. How fun.  So now I'm sitting here in jeans and a sports bra typing up my frustrations.

anatomy will be boring because my prof repeats himself way too often. Chemistry will be irritating because my prof talks more about what will be coming up rather than what's on the slide at the moment. Statistics will be alright, I think it will go well. French is fun, just a bit more homework than I'm used to. And the labs will be.... labs. I'll give you more on those when they actually happen.

Ok, time to enjoy my short reprieve of schoolwork.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Back at School

School starts tomorrow at 9:10am. Bootcamp. Not sure how that will go, but I'm excited. My roommate and I are together in that class, so we can support each other for when we smash into our wall.  Later that day I have french, and a few hours after that, I have dance! The dance class is only once a week, but it's about 2.5 hours long, and includes ballet, jazz, and hip hop.  I've done ballet for 10 years, jazz for 8, but never hip hop. I'm REALLY looking forward to that. I miss dance so much. On tuesday I have to wake up rather early and go to another anatomy/physiology class. After that I get to hike it down to the south end of campus for a psychology statistics class. Then I think it's chem, but I don't really know my schedule yet.  I'll write more about that when it happens.

Last week I had my birthday party, and one of my friends gave me this absolutely incredible game called To The Moon. I played it, cried, played it again, cried some more, got my sister to play it, she cried, and now my roommate is playing it. She hasn't gotten to many of the sad parts yet, but we're getting there.  I'm over in the corner watching her play, sobbing even more, because I know how the story goes and why the conversation is how it is.  sorry, that was a bit of a run-on sentence.  Go play it. Seriously. It is the best game I've ever played. The plot is incredible, the story is insanely well-written, and the game itself is absolutely gorgeous.

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Bored Sherlock is a Bad Thing

Roommate: What do you think Sherlock did when he was bored before he met John?
Me: *opens mouth*
Roommate: You're not allowed to say Cocaine. Cocaine or Heroin.
Me: Dang it.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Two Decades Gone

I have survived on this planet for two whole decades. That is....... odd.
I don't feel any older.
But more responsibilities have been added.  Meh.
This whole adult thing is fun, but annoying.
You can do more stuff, but you're responsible for what happens.
And I find that I'm relying more and more on the Lord.
About time.