Sunday, January 13, 2013

Back at School

School starts tomorrow at 9:10am. Bootcamp. Not sure how that will go, but I'm excited. My roommate and I are together in that class, so we can support each other for when we smash into our wall.  Later that day I have french, and a few hours after that, I have dance! The dance class is only once a week, but it's about 2.5 hours long, and includes ballet, jazz, and hip hop.  I've done ballet for 10 years, jazz for 8, but never hip hop. I'm REALLY looking forward to that. I miss dance so much. On tuesday I have to wake up rather early and go to another anatomy/physiology class. After that I get to hike it down to the south end of campus for a psychology statistics class. Then I think it's chem, but I don't really know my schedule yet.  I'll write more about that when it happens.

Last week I had my birthday party, and one of my friends gave me this absolutely incredible game called To The Moon. I played it, cried, played it again, cried some more, got my sister to play it, she cried, and now my roommate is playing it. She hasn't gotten to many of the sad parts yet, but we're getting there.  I'm over in the corner watching her play, sobbing even more, because I know how the story goes and why the conversation is how it is.  sorry, that was a bit of a run-on sentence.  Go play it. Seriously. It is the best game I've ever played. The plot is incredible, the story is insanely well-written, and the game itself is absolutely gorgeous.

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