Friday, January 25, 2013

Rainy Day

It's drizzling outside, and it is beautiful.  I love rainy days.  They make me want to read all day, or write something absolutely horrible.  My story-telling skills aren't even close to decent. Which is sad, because I really want to write a book. I don't care if it gets at all popular. (although that would be nice) I just want a write and publish a book.

I should be doing some form of homework right now. But right now, my motivation is to write, sew, do something that is not related to schoolwork. My motivation to do homework will pop up in the middle of judo, and disappear the second I return to the apartment.  Not fun.

My kindle for PC app is being stupid.  Amazon doesn't know it exists, and I've been wandering around various places in an attempt to make Amazon see that there's an app, but so far, nothing is working.

On another note, I may have to get a new battery for my laptop soonish. The lifespan of this one is shrinking every day. It can go for about an hour and a half now without a charge, two hours if it feels particularly healthy. Eh, I've got time. I'll start panicking about it when it can only last 30 minutes without being plugged in.

Ok, bad time for tumblr. Just saw a gifset with all the doctors regenerating into the next doctor. And ight after that, a soundbite from the last episode of Sherlock. FEELS. ALL OF THEM.

oh, and I have a twitter. So if you feel like it, here's my Twitter profile enjoy.

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