Monday, February 4, 2013


I am so thankful that my life has been easy. my family has never had to worry about money issues, my extended family are all functional, and the hardest thing I've had to go through in my life is dealing with my own laziness and unwillingness to do anything.  Seriously, I am so thankful.

So far, school has been decent. I detest chemistry with a fiery hatred, but statistics is easy. Mostly because it consists of plugging numbers into a formula and pressing the equal button on the calculator. Actually, I'm about to start some chem homework right now. It's pretty easy homework. just write a brief summery of an online lecture, and answer three questions. Oh, wow. This particular one only has the summary.  I like writing the summaries. I use brief, couple word sentences. Basically taking notes. I never write an actual, formatted, paragraphs with proper sentence structure and punctuation.

22 minutes later, at 9:57pm, chemistry homework is done.
time for statistics, which actually requires me to get off the computer.

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