Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Almost Done.

Two more days of classes. Four finals.
Almost done.

I am so ready for this semester to be over. Seriously. This semester is absolutely destroying my GPA. Not that it was anything wonderful to begin with, but now it is complete and utter rubbish. Seriously. I don't even know why I bother trying anymore.

I'm probably just saying that because it's 10:45pm and my FREAKING ROOMMATE WON'T SHUT UP AND LET ME SLEEP.


Yea. The sudden drop of progesterone, + Sleep deprivation  = THE MOST FRUSTRATED ELLEN CREATURE YOU WILL EVER MEET

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rose Tyler, I-

Guess what I'm watching!! ಥ_ಥ
I'm going to go sob in a corner.

You'd think after watching these episodes a couple times the emotions would calm down, but NOPE. WHY SHOULD MY HEART BE SAFE?!



Now then.

At the moment, I am procrastinating. Hugely. I have an anatomy exam tomorrow that I'm not ready for, and a sketchbook due for lab that I was supposed to start at midterms.
It's not even started yet.
Due tomorrow night.
I'm on the verge of saying VA FAIRE FOUTRE! and getting on with my life. Because that stupid sketchbook has no purpose in life other than to irritate every single bio 201 and 202 student.  I have not talked to one person who thinks the sketchbooks are a good idea. Most of the TAs don't like them, either. Which is funny, because they're the ones who are in charge of teaching us our lab material.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

My Sister's Lab Report

Nancy:  Ellen
There is snark
I just put snark in my lab report
I said to disinfect your lab area and set up for the cult meeting
12) Raise the lobes of the liver and you should see the gall bladder which looks like a deflated balloon (like all of your hopes and dreams) and the stomach.
14) Remove the liver, gonad, and stomach by cutting them out. Split open the stomach if you're feeling especially violent today, then find the intestine and air bladder which might be popped because you're a violent sociopath.
16) Find the heart and put it aside for later sacrificing. Notice that is has two chambers.
17) Disinfect up your dissection area and set up for the cult meeting.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Salmon makes The Day Better

Today. Yea.

It started out normally enough. Wake up later than normal, causing me to rush to get to my exercise class, work out for a while, return to the apartment.  I was all ready to be productive. Study, homework, perhaps go to the gym again, but then ants. Stupid, freaking ants. Qui peut va faire foutre. So after vacuuming them all up, dousing the place with vinegar, and plugging up their little hole, I look behind me to see my roommate's hell-hound of a dog pooping in the corner of my room. It wasn't a normal poop, either. It was diarrhetic. Of course, the roommate isn't around for her to take care of her own stupid dog, so I have to clean up the two pounds of crap, and the floor. Needless to say, I am not a fan of this dog at the moment. I'm normally not a fan of this dog to begin with, so the roommate is REALLY lucky I didn't painfully murder the stupid creature.

That was my day, and tomorrow is not looking to be any better.