Friday, December 21, 2012
Psychology, Where A + B = Whatever You Want
Mariah (Roommate): calling psych a "soft science" okay right?
Me: Soft science is not a great term
subjective science is better
Mariah: I've always heard it's soft because it was subjective while physics is "hard" because a+b will equal c
Me: It makes sense, but it's still strance
Mariah: where in psych a+b could equal square
Me: This is true
Mariah: I guess I'm around to many people in the "hard" sciences
didn't know if "soft" was a put down or not
Me: a+ b = 9046.3. As long as you do your research and your numbers properly, and it can be backed up.
However, someone else could say that A + B = dog.
Mariah: XD
Me: So then there are two ideas for A and B but neither one of them really answer the entire question.
and combining the two won't do either, because they would leave huge explinational holes.
Mariah: you rock
Me: so then, an entirely NEW idea is proposed, which stated that A + B = the opposite of whatever Freud said, and it's all a nature vs nurture thing
but still no answer.
Mariah: aaaaaaaaaand you just helped me with my paper
My Face
I hate my skin. The red dots need to leave. Like now. I'm almost into my second decade of life, I STILL HAVE FREAKING ZITS ON MY FACE!!! WTF?!?!
I don't get it. WWWWHHHHYYYYYY?!?!!
I don't get it. WWWWHHHHYYYYYY?!?!!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
I feel Like Sharing My Life With the World.
I've been watching a lot of youtube videos with Danisnotonfire, Charlieissocoollike, and a new-to-me youtuber, Jacksgap.
I REALLY want to do a video, but I have NO IDEA what to talk about. I feel like my videos would have a lot of awkward silences in them, with absolutely nothing of interest to anyone. So any suggestions would be nice. I could do a couple of my rants on guitarists, and gun control. Those two subjects are not related. Just saying. On a side note, I'm cold. I'm colder in my parent's house in Phx. than I am in my apartment in Flagstaff. Because that makes sense. I could take suggestions of what to play on my violin. That would be pretty fun. Just play a bunch of stuff. Like some stuff from Firefly, LotR, Harry Potter... Yes please.
Ocean's 11 is on TV right now. I approve most highly. This movie is amazing. "Unless we intend to do this job in Reno, We're in Barney!" ". . . .' "Barney Rubble. TROUBLE!"
So let's go get that pinch.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Project for Awesome
P4A With John and Hank Green!! <3 Go donate to decrease world suck!!! DOOO IIITT! I just gave $20, and got John Green's ebook. Seriously. DO IT.
On another note, I want to go to the library today, so if you could comment with your favorite book, or just a book you think I need to read, that would be great. I've got a nice list going right now. Perhaps I can grab some food stuffs while I'm out for tomorrow's parties. I'm going to two christmas parties tomorrow. One of them involves a violin. And the exact same arrangements for Christmas songs as I've been playing for at least 12 years. The next party is with some friends from highschool. I haven't seen most of them in a long time. I'm looking forward to that.
P4A With John and Hank Green!! <3 Go donate to decrease world suck!!! DOOO IIITT! I just gave $20, and got John Green's ebook. Seriously. DO IT.
On another note, I want to go to the library today, so if you could comment with your favorite book, or just a book you think I need to read, that would be great. I've got a nice list going right now. Perhaps I can grab some food stuffs while I'm out for tomorrow's parties. I'm going to two christmas parties tomorrow. One of them involves a violin. And the exact same arrangements for Christmas songs as I've been playing for at least 12 years. The next party is with some friends from highschool. I haven't seen most of them in a long time. I'm looking forward to that.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Here, Have a Shot of Mint
Nancy: How many people DON'T own the Harry Potter books?
Me: The ones who don't own them.
Nancy: ......... Dang it, I can't contradict you because it's right.
Me: The ones who don't own them.
Nancy: ......... Dang it, I can't contradict you because it's right.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Your Nerd Is Showing.......
This library is the best thing ever. I just spent at least an hour and a half walking around and nerding out over all the amazing journals and periodicals they have. There's an entire bookshelf dedicated to the spine. Another three for cancer research. About 4 or 5 for vasculature and the heart. I had to curb my impulse to jump up and down and squeal for joy. I even found a shelf dedicated to the violin!!! This library has made me absolutely ecstatic, and I seriously wish I could nerd out with a fellow library-dweller. <3
On another note, today I had my anatomy lab final, and my french oral final. The lab final went pretty well, I think. Pretty sure I missed a couple, but I knew most of the exam.
The the french oral final was hilarious. The prompt my partner and i got was to talk about our plans for the weekend, and include talking about our relationships with people. (Friends, co-workers, romantic relationships) What we did was take this, and turn it into a soap opera type thing. Here's the translated version of our skit: (Please note that I have a fictitious boyfriend in this sketch)
Her: Want to come to my party this weekend?
Me: Absolutely! who will be there?
Her: a couple friends I invited, your boyfriend David......
Me: sounds fun! Is there anything you want me to bring?
Her: YES! Apples to apples, deck of cards, twister.... Oh, can you bring some food?
Me: yea, I think David is goi-
Her: David? =D
Me: Yes... I think he's going to make some food =. Pizza or spaghetti. Which would you like?
Her: BOTH! And You should show up about 2 hours before the party starts so I can eat all your food.
Me: -_- you're horrible.
Her: yup! My goal is to be the worst hostess EVER. =D
Me: a worthy goal. So when do you want us to show up?
Her: about 7. Bring your boyfriend. He is so, so sexy.
Me: yes. And he's MINE. Not yours. But he'll be there.
Her: Excellent.
Her: So, on a scale of 1 to 10, how healthy is your relationship....?
Me: -_- *holds up left hand, showing off a ring on the third finger*
Her: oh...... awkward.......
We had way too much fun writing this script.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Time To Write. Now. Go.
it gives you a couple different backgrounds, calm background music if you want it, different fonts, and here's the best part, it can play typewriter or raindrop sounds when you type. This thing is absolutely WONDERFUL. I feel like I could take on NaNoWriMo with this thing. In fact, I'll do that. I'll attempt to write a novel. I'm not sure how good it will be, of if there will be any plot at all, but still. There will be a novel.
and yes, I am writing this post using the program.
it gives you a couple different backgrounds, calm background music if you want it, different fonts, and here's the best part, it can play typewriter or raindrop sounds when you type. This thing is absolutely WONDERFUL. I feel like I could take on NaNoWriMo with this thing. In fact, I'll do that. I'll attempt to write a novel. I'm not sure how good it will be, of if there will be any plot at all, but still. There will be a novel.
and yes, I am writing this post using the program.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Candy Day
Happy Halloween! The only day of the year where it is perfectly acceptable, and expected, for adults to hand out candy to young children.
In celebration of this sugar-infested holiday, my roommate and I are making pumpkin pancakes. We enjoyed the last of our pumpkin pie earlier. Yes, we had dessert before dinner. It's OK.
Three days later, nothing has changed much. Pumpkin soup last night. Well, it was more like pumpkin stew. Actually, the stew was so thick it came out in plops of food into the bowl. Mais c’était délicieux =3
Dans ma classe de français, nous avons commence avec le plus-que-parfait pour la conjugaison. Il y a beaucoup des fourrue? pelage? (je ne sais pas le mot correct.) de tout façon, il y a beaucoup de choses dans le tapis. Ma colocataire a un chien.
Socks are annoying.
In celebration of this sugar-infested holiday, my roommate and I are making pumpkin pancakes. We enjoyed the last of our pumpkin pie earlier. Yes, we had dessert before dinner. It's OK.
Three days later, nothing has changed much. Pumpkin soup last night. Well, it was more like pumpkin stew. Actually, the stew was so thick it came out in plops of food into the bowl. Mais c’était délicieux =3
Dans ma classe de français, nous avons commence avec le plus-que-parfait pour la conjugaison. Il y a beaucoup des fourrue? pelage? (je ne sais pas le mot correct.) de tout façon, il y a beaucoup de choses dans le tapis. Ma colocataire a un chien.
Socks are annoying.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Today I had two papers due, as well as a french and anatomy/physiology exam. Paper #1 is turned in, french test is done, but it took one hour, 46 minutes to complete. Directly after the french test, my anatomy and physiology test started. That took about 30 minutes to finish, and it covered the brain, nerves, action potentials, glial cells, neurotransmitters, Botox, inhibitory post-synaptic neurons, excitatory post-synaptic neurons.... yea, lots of fun stuff. I feel pretty confident with my anatomy exam. Slightly less so with the french, but only because of spelling. I find it difficult to spell in English, so French, where every third letter is silent, is not fun. Anyway, I am now sitting outside of my last class of the day, Intro to Personality, with my short paper, and a paper I will be turning in for a friend.
In celebration, tonight will be nothing but ramen, and Assassin's Creed. If you haven't seen, the Assassin's Creed games are on sale on Steam. Like SUPER cheep. I got AC I, II, and Brotherhood for $5 each.
And I feel like a nerd. Yesterday, I traded in some books to Bookmans, and got about $10 in in-store credit. I spend $6 of those on Grey's Anatomy. No, not the TV show. The book. The everythingyoucouldeverwanttoknowabouthumananatomy book.
In celebration, tonight will be nothing but ramen, and Assassin's Creed. If you haven't seen, the Assassin's Creed games are on sale on Steam. Like SUPER cheep. I got AC I, II, and Brotherhood for $5 each.
And I feel like a nerd. Yesterday, I traded in some books to Bookmans, and got about $10 in in-store credit. I spend $6 of those on Grey's Anatomy. No, not the TV show. The book. The everythingyoucouldeverwanttoknowabouthumananatomy book.
After typing a sentence or so, my brain automatically wants to hit Ctrl+S. This is not Word, this is an online blog. One which has a save button. Unfortunately, that save button is mislabeled. It should say "save and quit" rather than only "save". That "save and quit" button could be helpful soon, though. My class is supposed to start in 20 minutes, and I'm not sure when I'll be done typing.
It's been a while since I've spent so much time on here. It's rather nice. On Tumblr, I started following various medicine-related blogs. There;s one dedicated to nursing, a couple for neuroscience, I have at least one for psychology... Now the only things on my dashboard are related to medicine and Castle. <3
Thursday, October 18, 2012
I Missed You, Too
It's been a long time. How have you been? I've been really busy being dead. Or at least, that's what it feels like. "studying" is, after all, a combination of "student" and "dying".
Portal quotes aside, it really has been a long time since my last visit. Kinda depressing, actually. A lot has passed. I have a new roommate. She's pretty awesome. And she brought a dog. So we now have a dog. Her name is Loches. She's a golden retriever. Yes, there are pictures. I'm used to the tedium of classes which control my life. Getting rather tired of them, actually. My CSF levels are diminishing..
DJ: heh
cant spell hehe to save my freakin life.
Portal quotes aside, it really has been a long time since my last visit. Kinda depressing, actually. A lot has passed. I have a new roommate. She's pretty awesome. And she brought a dog. So we now have a dog. Her name is Loches. She's a golden retriever. Yes, there are pictures. I'm used to the tedium of classes which control my life. Getting rather tired of them, actually. My CSF levels are diminishing..
DJ: heh
cant spell hehe to save my freakin life.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Up To Date
I'm up to date on the Castle TV series. <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I love that show so much. Pretty sure that's my favorite show on TV right now.
oh, and it's my sister's birthday.
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I love that show so much. Pretty sure that's my favorite show on TV right now.
oh, and it's my sister's birthday.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Grape Juice and a Party
For those of you who care, I have a tumblr now. Because there aren't enough things to help me procrastinate. Like now, for instance. I have a mini-paper to write for my humanities class, but I really don't want to do it. The one due for Thursday is worse, though.
I got my first tests of the semester back. I'm not thrilled with the results, but they're not horrible. Well, my Anatomy one is nothing to be proud of, but it's not a failure. There's a reason why I wrote on my whiteboard "you can do better." And I can, there's just no motivation and poor time-management. I really need to learn how to manage my time better. And not waste time on facebook, tumblr, skyrim, psychonauts....
Also, am officially a Nerdfighter. DFTBA!
This weekend will (hopefully) be spent watching Castle. All of the Castle. And Top Gear. Can't forget about that; DJ would murder me.
My sister's 15th birthday is coming up, and it's kinda strange. My baby sister is 15. I remember watching her as she crawled around the blanket on the floor.
But anyway, it's time for homework. Be back later.
I got my first tests of the semester back. I'm not thrilled with the results, but they're not horrible. Well, my Anatomy one is nothing to be proud of, but it's not a failure. There's a reason why I wrote on my whiteboard "you can do better." And I can, there's just no motivation and poor time-management. I really need to learn how to manage my time better. And not waste time on facebook, tumblr, skyrim, psychonauts....
Also, am officially a Nerdfighter. DFTBA!
This weekend will (hopefully) be spent watching Castle. All of the Castle. And Top Gear. Can't forget about that; DJ would murder me.
My sister's 15th birthday is coming up, and it's kinda strange. My baby sister is 15. I remember watching her as she crawled around the blanket on the floor.
But anyway, it's time for homework. Be back later.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Nancy: Mom has received your message, and has noted it in her brain.
Me: she should also note the hiring of a carriage cost.
Nancy; Indeed, I'm sure she noted it the minute I spewed forthe from my mouth the words of " MAA, YOUR FIRST SUCCESSFUL SPERM WANTS TO INVADE THE HOUSE AGAIN!"
Monday, September 10, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
k but why is he an engineer if he hates math? Engineering and math go together like macaronie and cheese. Sean and Gus. Cats and dogs.Papers and plastic. Musicians and music. Pizza and parties.
I hath resumed my original placement upon this moste comfy couch.
very nice. Were you watching Psyche recently? that seems like something Sean would do.
I don't know why, because he's not sure why
Like chocolate and fondue!
Gerbils and scampering!
There's a Psyche marathon going on and I may or may have not watched an episode or two
---- A little while later ---
Yup, mum and dad are both watching Psyche
Did I also mention I was watching Dr. Who?
--- Different conversation which took place at the same time ---
*I copy/pasted the above conversation to our mutual friend. His response:
Saturday, September 1, 2012
D&D, Skyrim, and All Things nerdy
Last night I DMed a Dungeons and Dragons session. It's a pretty fun campaign. It's based in Skyrim, and has Harry Potter spells, Daleks, Ratman, the Companion Cube, portal gun, gravity gun, Dr. Horrible's Wonderflonium heist, the cabbage guy in Last Airbender, three World of Warcraft cities, the yellow and green rings from The Magician's Nephew, and whatever else I feel like throwing in there. Perhaps Captain Hook will make an appearance....
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Apartment Life
I moved into my apartment a few days ago, and got the internet set up yesterday. Wow. It's rather weird living in an apartment, because all I'm used to is a decent-sized house or a small dorm room shared with two other people. Somehow, moving back to Flagstaff has messed with my sleeping. I'm going to bed at 10:00pm, and waking up at 6:30am. No idea why. Except for this morning, apparently. Woke up, blissfully, at 8:00. Why am I boring you with these minute details about my sleeping habits/ I'm not totally sure either, except for the fact that i'm writing down whatever pops into my head. How lucky for you.
I just walked about a half mile north, and found a self-serve yogurt shop that just opened. I spoke to two employees for a while, and we got along great. So hopefully I'll have a job there by next week or the week after. Alright, on to more applications. Weeeeeeeee.
I just walked about a half mile north, and found a self-serve yogurt shop that just opened. I spoke to two employees for a while, and we got along great. So hopefully I'll have a job there by next week or the week after. Alright, on to more applications. Weeeeeeeee.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
I've been hanging out with DJ for too long. Top Gear, British accents, and enough chocolate to put someone into an insulin-induced shock. And water. Lots of water. Hidden inside a water bottle.
DJ, feel free to dump as much water as possible on Nancy's head.
synchronized high-fiveing should be an Olympic event.
My sister wants to play Slender. Whatever you say, Nancy.....
DJ, feel free to dump as much water as possible on Nancy's head.
synchronized high-fiveing should be an Olympic event.
My sister wants to play Slender. Whatever you say, Nancy.....
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Concentrati-OOH, SHINY!!
Stuff to do. packing, resume-writing, application completing.
Nope, I'm just going to procrastinate on 9gag and facebook all day. Hope that's ok.
Nope, I'm just going to procrastinate on 9gag and facebook all day. Hope that's ok.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Journal of Everything Educational
Teddy's Root Beer is the most amazing Root Beer I've ever tasted. Absolutely incredible.
I'm going to start carrying around a small notebook of everythingand anything I learn, of all types of subjects. be it actually school-related, or not. Hopefully this will actually help me remember everything that I learn, as it will be read, processed, re-written in my own words first on the notebook, then again, on here. Or depending on if I learn something from the funness that is Stumbleupon, the processed information will be spewed out on here first, then the notebook. I'll also write down the book/link where i found the information, so you're free to check the sourse and comment on my thoughts and views on whatever subject I share. For the sake of the potential younger readers, and my mother, the more questionable subjects will be kept to the notebook. Those of you who know me personally can just grab the notebook out of my purse (if you're brave enough) and go from there.
Let the learning begin!
I'm going to start carrying around a small notebook of everythingand anything I learn, of all types of subjects. be it actually school-related, or not. Hopefully this will actually help me remember everything that I learn, as it will be read, processed, re-written in my own words first on the notebook, then again, on here. Or depending on if I learn something from the funness that is Stumbleupon, the processed information will be spewed out on here first, then the notebook. I'll also write down the book/link where i found the information, so you're free to check the sourse and comment on my thoughts and views on whatever subject I share. For the sake of the potential younger readers, and my mother, the more questionable subjects will be kept to the notebook. Those of you who know me personally can just grab the notebook out of my purse (if you're brave enough) and go from there.
Let the learning begin!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
And Now I know.
I figured out why it's stupid to get romantically involved with someone you know you will never see again. You and the other party will not speak for months at a time, and when you do speak, it will be an accusation similar to "So you won't talk to me now?" I'm sorry for not talking to you, but I thought it was you not talking to me. Please excuse my misunderstanding.
On a separate note, I've been watching a lot of Castle recently, and reading Castle's books. (Yay for ghost writers!!) The T.V. show is amazing, and the lead character Kate Bekket has become one of my role-models. Yes, I know she's a fictional character. However, that fictional character is a strong, independent, sarcastic, quick-witted, takes-no-b.s. kinda girl, and I look up to that.
Nancy is playing La Folia. Actually, playing is too generous a word. She's butchering some rythems, and puts absolutely no emotion into her playing, and cuts the notes WWAAYY too short. She should be playing fiddle music, not classical. I don't think Nancy understands the whole "emotion in music" thing. She scoffs at the idea of music being moving, or putting your soul into what you're playing. Not good for classical, and ESPECIALLY not good for La Folia. It hurts to listen.\
Where are my headphones?
Oh yea, they're missing. They were missing for a good 2 weeks, then I found them, and not one hour later, were missing again. >.<
UPDATE: Just did a quick search. Found my headphones exactly where I left them. Just goes to show you can find anything when you have a strong enough motive.
My sister is now playing Toontown. We used to play about 5-ish years ago, so playing again is bringing back a whole lot of nostalgia. Aahhhhh, the music. She keeps using the WASD keys to move, and pressing the SHIFT button to sprint. Too much Skyrim.
On a separate note, I've been watching a lot of Castle recently, and reading Castle's books. (Yay for ghost writers!!) The T.V. show is amazing, and the lead character Kate Bekket has become one of my role-models. Yes, I know she's a fictional character. However, that fictional character is a strong, independent, sarcastic, quick-witted, takes-no-b.s. kinda girl, and I look up to that.
Nancy is playing La Folia. Actually, playing is too generous a word. She's butchering some rythems, and puts absolutely no emotion into her playing, and cuts the notes WWAAYY too short. She should be playing fiddle music, not classical. I don't think Nancy understands the whole "emotion in music" thing. She scoffs at the idea of music being moving, or putting your soul into what you're playing. Not good for classical, and ESPECIALLY not good for La Folia. It hurts to listen.\
Where are my headphones?
Oh yea, they're missing. They were missing for a good 2 weeks, then I found them, and not one hour later, were missing again. >.<
UPDATE: Just did a quick search. Found my headphones exactly where I left them. Just goes to show you can find anything when you have a strong enough motive.
My sister is now playing Toontown. We used to play about 5-ish years ago, so playing again is bringing back a whole lot of nostalgia. Aahhhhh, the music. She keeps using the WASD keys to move, and pressing the SHIFT button to sprint. Too much Skyrim.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
DJ vs. Keyboard
there we go.
How do you get " (78eya'/" out of "yeah" ?
DJ: ...dont ask.
your fingers seem a little spastic
DJ: eyahj
i should just avoid the word "yeah."
there we go.
How do you get " (78eya'/" out of "yeah" ?
DJ: ...dont ask.
your fingers seem a little spastic
DJ: eyahj
i should just avoid the word "yeah."
Sunday, July 22, 2012
DJ Is Famous Again
go watch sherlock
oh wait
It's great how you say that right as I find a Sherlock picture on DA
Me and another and another
i think i may like that picture way too much for someone who's straight...
i think i may like that picture way too much for someone who's straight...
ive seen that second one before
look at the gallery of the person who did the second. O.O
look at the gallery of the person who did the second. O.O
...ok holy hell. thats aweosome awesoem aweesoem cool
...ok holy hell. thats aweosome awesoem aweesoem cool
Me ^blog DJ haha
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Life Moves On
I voluntarily went running earlier. Went two miles. ^.^
Anyway, the glorious math class of all things starts tomorrow at 9:10am. Not looking forward to the subject matter of the class, but at least when I finish this, I'll never have to take a math class again. That's an amazing thing. No more math after this month.
Happy July, btw. My half birthday is coming up in 5 days.
Hopefully the apartment stuff can be sent up soon. There's a gerbil chewing on my pant leg. Well fine, gerbil. I didn't like those pants anyway.
Tomorrow is going to be fun. Math in the morning, gym after that, then I'm meeting a friend at an amazing coffee shop called Next. It's about as pricey as Starbucks, but 500 times better. It's on 59th ave, between the 101 and Union Hills, if you're interested.
"This is Aperture, this is Aperture. Test subjects die once they're in sight. . . "
Anyway, the glorious math class of all things starts tomorrow at 9:10am. Not looking forward to the subject matter of the class, but at least when I finish this, I'll never have to take a math class again. That's an amazing thing. No more math after this month.
Happy July, btw. My half birthday is coming up in 5 days.
Hopefully the apartment stuff can be sent up soon. There's a gerbil chewing on my pant leg. Well fine, gerbil. I didn't like those pants anyway.
Tomorrow is going to be fun. Math in the morning, gym after that, then I'm meeting a friend at an amazing coffee shop called Next. It's about as pricey as Starbucks, but 500 times better. It's on 59th ave, between the 101 and Union Hills, if you're interested.
"This is Aperture, this is Aperture. Test subjects die once they're in sight. . . "
Sunday, June 24, 2012
An Inconvenience
Nick: ok well I need to leave. I have to move my bed which is what my laptop's on right now so I'll be back in a while. it'll probably take forever and be a huge pain in the ass but oh well
Me: have fun?
Me: don't die
Me: if you do, I'd have to go to your funeral. MAJOR inconvienience.
Nick: ok hopefully it won't take too long
Nick: I'll make sure not to die, wouldn't want to inconvienience you
Me: thanks =)
Me: have fun?
Me: don't die
Me: if you do, I'd have to go to your funeral. MAJOR inconvienience.
Nick: ok hopefully it won't take too long
Nick: I'll make sure not to die, wouldn't want to inconvienience you
Me: thanks =)
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Do You Feel Famous?
Oi, DJ.
Replace burger with nutella crepe.
also, Top Gear. Sailing to France in a truck.
That is all.
Replace burger with nutella crepe.
also, Top Gear. Sailing to France in a truck.
That is all.
That Just Happened
France. Paris. 10 days.
That just happened.
Yes, that is the Eiffel Tower behind us.
No, it's not photoshopped.
And over here, --------------->
The Louvre.
On one of the many cloudy, rainy days we enjoyed.
That just happened.
Yes, that is the Eiffel Tower behind us.
No, it's not photoshopped.
And over here, --------------->
The Louvre.
On one of the many cloudy, rainy days we enjoyed.
Anyway, we had a lot of fun
We visited Jim Morrison's, George Bizet's, and Chopin's graves.
An amazing composer, Bizet.
And less than 8 hours after returning from France, I'm off on another flight with my friend Azia to her home in Wisconsin. At the moment, I am sitting in the living room typing this out and watching the rabbit hopping around it's cage.
Right, well, more details to come. When I feel like writing again.
Monday, May 28, 2012
How Dare They Stand There....
- DJ
- i have something that will really piss you off. you know that gay british boy band "one direction?" (otherwise known as "one erection.")
- haha yes
DJ- they dared to do this:
Ellen- First: you just sent this exact same thing to Nancy.
Second: Can I kill them for having the audacity to do that?
DJ- well, youll have to beat me to them
EllenDJno no no its ok, ive explained it to her.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
A New Level
DJ: yeha
there we go
holy crap thats a new level of fial.
not this agian
there we go
Monday, April 23, 2012
My Life
everything is due this week
it's insanity
and i bet you procrastinated on it all, didnt you?
I only procrastinated on one thing
oh wow good job!
/not bad face
the thing I'm procrastinating on is my anatomy sketchbook. I have 68 drawings to do. Due next week. Haven't started
holy fecking hammers.
sketches of what?
all the different sutures, microscopic view of hyaline, fibro, and elastic cartilage, 3 different views of the brain,all the cranial nerves, all the muscles in the arms, neck, head, chest, back, thighs and legs, a taste bud, 2 views of the eye, and 2 drawings of the ear
holy crapping crappers.
i have a guitar lesson tomorrow. yay. thatll be fun
I have to do a month's worth of practice in a couple hours tomorrow
violin, i assume
heh. so that means...youre going to be bowing and fingering for hours?
No, It's flying practice.
right, up on the table, arms out, fingers together, knees bent, head well forward, now flap your arms!

everything is due this week
it's insanity
and i bet you procrastinated on it all, didnt you?
I only procrastinated on one thing
oh wow good job!
/not bad face
the thing I'm procrastinating on is my anatomy sketchbook. I have 68 drawings to do. Due next week. Haven't started
holy fecking hammers.
sketches of what?
all the different sutures, microscopic view of hyaline, fibro, and elastic cartilage, 3 different views of the brain,all the cranial nerves, all the muscles in the arms, neck, head, chest, back, thighs and legs, a taste bud, 2 views of the eye, and 2 drawings of the ear
holy crapping crappers.
i have a guitar lesson tomorrow. yay. thatll be fun
I have to do a month's worth of practice in a couple hours tomorrow
violin, i assume
heh. so that means...youre going to be bowing and fingering for hours?
No, It's flying practice.
right, up on the table, arms out, fingers together, knees bent, head well forward, now flap your arms!
Monday, April 9, 2012
My sister
"And now I am creeping all over your blog site, pooring over your every bloggy thought! and then one day, when you least expect it, I shall take over your body and replace you! Muahahahahahaha!"
My sister is a creeper.
My sister is a creeper.
On Easter
Please note that this conversation took place on Easter.
- Nancy:
- Me
- and a merry halloween to you
- Nancy
- And happy Newgiving
- Me
- be sure to remember the presidents
- Nancy
- I will if you remember valentine's.
- Me
- can I wear green?
- Nancy
- Only if you're wearing a birthday hat too
- heyheyhey so guess what I got in my easter basket
- Me
- candy
- Nancy
- yes. but that's not all
- Me
- and don't forget to ask the groundhog if there's going to be fireworks.
- I don't feel like guessing. what did you get?
- Nancy
- pringles, flavoured goldfish, a bottle of honey mustard salad dressing, snickers, and recees
- Me
- hahahaha
- Nancy
- : D I'm glad mom knows me so well
- Me
- I approve of the nutella in my box, btw
- however, I have nothing to eat it with. Oh well. /grabs spoon
- Nancy
- you're welcome!
- XD
- yes!!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Boredom of Epic Proportions
It's insane how bored I've been lately. Like, insanely bored. as in too bored to study. Past the point of so bored I'd prefer to do homework. So bored, I can't concentrate on anything at all. So far my week was composed of sitting at my laptop, staring at the screen. Woooooooo.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Gerbil In My Shirt
There is a gerbil in my shirt. Sorry, there WAS a gerbil in my shirt. She is now on my back.
Anyway, Spring break is this week. From last saturday to this coming sunday. I've been spending a decent amount of break time in physical therapy and school xD
I'm going with my mother to her P.T., and I'm going to school again to see my friends who are still stuck in highschool.
Also, I've discovered the amazingness that is Fanfarlo. <3 <3
That band has such great songs.
And with that, I must retire; waking up early tomorrow.
Anyway, Spring break is this week. From last saturday to this coming sunday. I've been spending a decent amount of break time in physical therapy and school xD
I'm going with my mother to her P.T., and I'm going to school again to see my friends who are still stuck in highschool.
Also, I've discovered the amazingness that is Fanfarlo. <3 <3
That band has such great songs.
And with that, I must retire; waking up early tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
I'm waiting for my psychology class to start. Not that we're doing anything important right now; watching a movie. Supersize Me, to be exact. I'm not totally sure why we're watching a movie about McDonalds making people fat relates to psychology, but whatever.
Macbooks are EVERYWHERE. This campus loves apple products. They've even got an apple store attached to the bookstore. They totally ignore anything Windows or Linux-related. It's great fun. Oh well.
Class was supposed to start 6 minutes ago. The prof isn't even here yet. xD
On another note, I just switched browsers to Google Chrome. Like within the last 5 minutes. I kinda like it.
oh, the teacher showed up. Better disappear and actually pay attention.
Macbooks are EVERYWHERE. This campus loves apple products. They've even got an apple store attached to the bookstore. They totally ignore anything Windows or Linux-related. It's great fun. Oh well.
Class was supposed to start 6 minutes ago. The prof isn't even here yet. xD
On another note, I just switched browsers to Google Chrome. Like within the last 5 minutes. I kinda like it.
oh, the teacher showed up. Better disappear and actually pay attention.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Well this is odd.....
I want to clean.
I want to do homework.
I want to study.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
mais j’étudierai ici. Vous étés heureuse, no? dans ma classe de français, nous apprenons les différences de passe compose et impératif. c'est très facile mais amusant parce-que je l'ai appris en lycée.
huh... I wrote that with no issues, but when I go back to read it, I have to think. Strange.
I want to do homework.
I want to study.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
mais j’étudierai ici. Vous étés heureuse, no? dans ma classe de français, nous apprenons les différences de passe compose et impératif. c'est très facile mais amusant parce-que je l'ai appris en lycée.
huh... I wrote that with no issues, but when I go back to read it, I have to think. Strange.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Best Song Ever Created
O Lord my God,
When I in awesome wonder
Consider all
The world Thy Hand hath made,
I see the stars,
I hear the rolling thunder,
Thy pow'r throughout
The universe displayed;
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
Then sings my soul,
My Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou art!
How great Thou art!
When through the woods
And forest glades I wander
I hear the birds
Sing sweetly in the trees;
When I look down
From lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook
And feel the gentle breeze;
And when I think,
That God, His Son not sparing;
Sent Him to die,
I scarce can take it in;
That on the Cross,
My burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died
To take away my sin.
When Christ shall come,
When Christ shall come,
With shouts of acclamation,
And take me home,
What joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow
In humble adoration
And there proclaim,
"My God, how great Thou art!"
Friday, January 20, 2012
Welcome Back to Flagstaff
There isn't enough of it up here. That bothers me so much. Makes it hard for me to do anything.
There aren't enough friends up here, either. that makes me sad. I need huggles.
On the bright side, this chai tea is the best thing ever.
And the Psalms are absolutely beautiful and magnificent.
I need sleep. please? I kept waking up like every 10 or 15 minutes all night long. two reasons for this. moping, and worrying.
I don't understand how girls can wear nothing except leggings as pants. DOES NOT WORK. Under a skirt, shorts, or pants to help stay warm I understand, but leggings as pants... not a fan.
This photo was taken by my amazing friend, Squig~o
There isn't enough of it up here. That bothers me so much. Makes it hard for me to do anything.
There aren't enough friends up here, either. that makes me sad. I need huggles.
On the bright side, this chai tea is the best thing ever.
And the Psalms are absolutely beautiful and magnificent.
I need sleep. please? I kept waking up like every 10 or 15 minutes all night long. two reasons for this. moping, and worrying.
I don't understand how girls can wear nothing except leggings as pants. DOES NOT WORK. Under a skirt, shorts, or pants to help stay warm I understand, but leggings as pants... not a fan.
This photo was taken by my amazing friend, Squig~o
Saturday, January 7, 2012
This morning was filled with the arias and melodies which make up Gianni Schicchi and Suor Angelica.
They are two of Puccini's operas. And I have two weeks to master both of them. Here are the synopsis of both, as well as the performance
Gianni Schicchi synopsis Gianni Schicchi performance
Suor Angelica synopsis Suor Angelica performance
Before you ask, I can not sing opera. I can sing songs in tune, but opera is waaaay beyond my capabilities. I'll be playing the first violin part, which is challenging in itself. So, off I go into the music room to practice until my fingers bleed.
They are two of Puccini's operas. And I have two weeks to master both of them. Here are the synopsis of both, as well as the performance
Gianni Schicchi synopsis Gianni Schicchi performance
Suor Angelica synopsis Suor Angelica performance
Before you ask, I can not sing opera. I can sing songs in tune, but opera is waaaay beyond my capabilities. I'll be playing the first violin part, which is challenging in itself. So, off I go into the music room to practice until my fingers bleed.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
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